Stephanie Kluding
Business Relationship Consultant

Stephanie Kluding develops and maintains relationships with energy-intensive Ohio businesses that can benefit from Brakey Energy’s services. She helps companies identify where they may be able to save money on their Ohio energy costs and how Brakey Energy can best serve them.
Stephanie joined Brakey Energy in 2013. Previously, she was employed for over 10 years in the on-site wastewater treatment industry, focusing on the disinfection and biological processes for residential, commercial, and industrial applications, chemical analysis, and quality control programs.
Stephanie serves on the Board of the Cleveland-Akron-Canton Chapter of the American Foundry Society (AFS). AFS is a trade organization that advocates on behalf of its members (e.g., foundries, industry suppliers, and designers and purchasers of castings) to advance public policies that support a stronger business climate for metal casting and manufacturing.
Stephanie loves traveling with her family, husband, and three children. She also enjoys cheering on her children in their many extracurricular activities and volunteering at their school.
Contact Stephanie:
Phone: (216) 751-1758, Ext. 5
See the rest of the team here.